Discover everything about blended learning

If we look back a couple of years, few schools or universities were committed to online training. In the world we live in today, where everything has changed and we have adapted to a post-pandemic life, nothing is the same as before. Many companies have opted to continue with the option of working from home, while others have decided to try a mixed model. The same happens in the education sector: there are universities and colleges that have decided to continue with online learning, while others have opted for a hybrid model, also known as blended learning.

In this post, we will tell you what blended learning is, its uses and b-learning strategies that improve the process of training.

What is the blended learning approach?

B-learning or blended learning is a hybrid learning model based on the combination of online and traditional in-person learning. The b-learning approach is born from the need to improve training and to take advantage of the beneficial features of both training models. It’s not a choice between one or the other, but a hybrid model that takes advantage of the positive aspects of both.

Face-to-face learning allows a much more personal way of learning in which the teacher is in touch with the students and in which the students get to know their teacher and classmates, it allows teamwork… On the other hand, online learning gives much more flexibility to the student and the content can be updated more frequently and accessible in many different formats: videos, presentations, articles, podcasts…

Blended learning strategies to enhance learning

There are several blended learning strategies that are beneficial for improving learning:

  • Using agile digital tools: in blended learning, our strategy has to change. A lot of training is going to be online, so we have to use tools that are agile for both online and face-to-face training. It’s very important to have tools that provide flexibility and transparency, and that adapt to the needs of all students. Agile, simple, flexible and easy-to-use digital tools will be vital for hybrid learning models.
  • Not giving so much importance to “finishing the course as soon as possible”: one of the problems of online learning is that, on many occasions, the student doesn’t study deeply into the content but simply tries to finish the syllabus as soon as possible. In the hybrid model, where the objectives are less focused on individual achievements and where teamwork can be encouraged in the classroom, the strategy changes.
  • Flexible teaching: b-learning can be adapted to different types of people (students, people who work and study). Therefore, the flexibility provided by blended learning allows it to reach more people. In turn, the teacher will also have to adapt and plan attractive blended learning resources that allow students to complement study with their personal or professional life.