E-learning with artificial intelligence

First of all, one question should be asked: what criteria should we follow when incorporating AI into e-learning?

Behind this question we find many answers, but the most important idea is neutral mediation, without teachers’ own prejudices and, therefore, much fairer to the students. The function of AI algorithms is to make learning more precise and efficient, but for them to work properly they have to be based on pedagogical models that take into account ergonomics, values, skills and knowledge.

One of the great challenges in e-learning is to make adequate, efficient and relevant use of the information generated in a space mediated precisely by technology. In e-learning, we will be able to automatically control the presence of the students enrolled in our learning centre and how they “move” through our virtual environment.

As a student travels through this virtual space, we can measure their participation and performance based on different data collection and evaluation strategies, from reviewing some of the material, clicking on a link or answering several questionnaires. Designing differentiated itineraries, analysing the profile and performance of students, offering assessments and exercises adapted to their difficulties, and even evaluating and accrediting effective learning are the keys to e-learning.

Artificial Intelligence applied to LMS

You probably already know some LMS platform for learning management. A learning management system is a software application to manage, document, monitor, report, automate and deliver educational programs. The concept of a learning management system emerged directly from e-learning.

Below we will look at some of the advantages of applying AI in an LMS:

  • Generate new learning content: Well-prepared AI systems can help extract valuable information and turn it into intelligent content for digital learning.
  • Real-time questions and answers: an e-learning LMS based on artificial intelligence can act as a teacher and answer questions in real time.
  • Natural language processing: this will facilitate learning and also save a lot of time by making learning more interesting and efficient.
  • Customized lessons: AI can collect data on each student’s behavior, identify progress and challenges, and generate suggested content, additional material, alarms, for example, for the teacher’s direct attention.
  • Learnbots or virtual teachers: bots use the data they collect on student behaviour to respond instantly, and this data can be collected and combined with data from other students to analyse learning.
  • Recommendations and improvement of content: we have become accustomed to searching in web search engines and social networks to find the answers. AI can help by providing filters that provide recommendations and content selection. A basic manual content optimisation system can select relevant content based on tagging and metadata.

Application of Machine Learning in E-learning

Machine learning is related to the development of artificial intelligence in machines, so that they are able to learn and make decisions for themselves, based on the analysis of data, statistics, behaviour models and even the result of previous actions.

Thanks to Machine Learning, it is possible to create e-learning systems adapted to different learning styles. To do so, it is necessary to collect and process data outside the courses, based on queries made outside the LMS, which enrich and complement the contents in a coherent and useful way for the students. Automatic learning applied to e-learning could be the next learning revolution. The development of big data, the integration of artificial intelligence and automatic learning in the LMS opens a world of potential in this area.